2023/24 – Monymusk 2 v 5 Kintore

Rothie Park, Dickie Trophy Final, 18/5/24

Me still 308, Wee Man still 172

Entrance – Me £4, Wee Man £1

Attendance – 206 (Rough head count)

Pie – £9.50, Pie x 3, coffee, caramel wafer

Pint – £3.00, Tennent’s, Rothiemorman Bowling Club

A year after heading to watch Ellon Thistle participating in final at Rothie Rovers we were back for another final at the same venue. Something that is not missed on me. This being the fact Rothie Rovers give back to the football they were once a part of. The second season in a row they have had semis and finals at their patch. This well attended showpiece game was a game of two halves in the end. But as first halves go, it was exactly how you want finals to be.

We got a pie and as we were walking back to our perch in the corner Monymusk took the lead after a blunder at the back let in Andy Morrison to tap home into and empty net and there were not even five minutes on the clock. And three minutes later the Musk were two ahead when Kalvin O’Hare headed home unopposed in the middle of the box. An explosive start from and the game well well in favour of the Deer Park side. Unfortunately for them the two goal lead didn’t last long as Kintore were awarded a penalty when a mad challenge from Michael Fyfe on the Kintore attacker could only have one outcome. The challenge was reminiscent of a high jumper making an arse of Fosbury Flop and taking the bar down. but the bar being a Kintore players neck. Tommy Gillan stepped up and made no mistake. This got the Kintore tails up and clearly saw Monymusk’s tails head in the opposite direction. Kintore were a new team due to this gift and were pushing hard for the equaliser. The post was rattled , the Musk keeper was tested , shots flew over and wide before the second Kintore goal came. This from what looked a nothing ball was struck Gillian hitting a Musk defender leading to multiple penalty claims, the rebound was saved by Akroyd but the second rebound was expertly struck into the top corner by that man again Gillan. It was quickly the complete turn around when it a slack ball let in Gillan again who rounded the keeper and slotted home. Incredible goings on and only 33 minutes on the clock. A cracker of a final was unfolding. Great viewing. As was the AAFA committee members retrieving the balls. It just seemed that every clearance left the ground keeping the shirt and ties on their toes.

HT 2 v 3

There was an early injury set back for the Musk when Greig Taylor(I think) took the full brunt of a shot off the eye leading to serious swelling and what I would imagine was a trip to A&E. A proper sore one that will most likely be uncomfortable tomorrow. But this didn’t derail the Musk who were on the offensive early and taking the game right to Kintore. Almost pinning them back in the process. But Kintore did seem to be awfully deep to me. They were the architects of their own problems. Then against the run of play Kintore added a fourth when a cross from the left found Nathan Stewart to head home from a yard out. Another sloppy goal from the Musk as they had left an man open. It was looking like one hand on the trophy for Kintore. Four turned to five and incredibly it was that man Gillan again who notched his fourth of the night when Kintore broke at speed down the right, Stewart crossed to Gillan who had a simple tap in. It was almost too easy for Kintore. who had surely sealed their celebratory pints for the night. If things were not bad enough for the Musk, then the reduction to ten men was the final nail in the coffin. This when Daniel Middler was sent packing for a poorly thought out challenge/assault late on. You can’t help but feel the red mist descended in amongst all the whooping and pre-final whistle celebrating from Kintore players. The game ended and it was Kintore’s name that was to be engraved on the Dickie Trophy for the 2023/24 season rounding of a decent days football for Wee Man and me. Two champions over two matches.

I have a lot of respect for these guys, they haven’t forgotten where they came from
Kick off
Gillan with the penalty to half the arrears
Gillan celebrates his third

Published by pacman1903

Once a football fan. Now a football nerd

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